The Dream Quest WIOA StepUP Program offers unique support for youth ages 14-24. It includes help accessing education and training, attaining a high school diploma or GED, exploring career options, providing leadership opportunities, paid or unpaid work experience, supportive services including help with transportation, guidance and much more. It also means that you have caring individuals who support you and who you can turn to for support. Paid work experience is one of the many opportunities available. If you are looking for work, we can help. Committed to equal opportunity. Give us a call and we will do our best to help you. Interested? Contact Nick Wilde at Dream Quest (530) 629-3564. We are here for you.
Nick Wilde: Coordinator
Charlotte O'Brien
Assistant Coordinator
Direct Line: (530) 629-3564 or
100 Country Club Drive
P.O. Box 609
Willow Creek, CA 95573