Dream Quest provides youth with vocational and creative opportunities to imagine and build their dreams.
Dream Quest provides youth with vocational and creative opportunities to imagine and build their dreams.
Dream Quest is a grassroots organization created by local caring individuals. The first informal meeting took place on August 30, 2000. Ongoing meetings and guidance from the Humboldt Area Foundation resulted in the Willow Creek Youth Partnership DBA Dream Quest in mid 2001.
Dream Quest is a grassroots organization created by local caring individuals. The first informal meeting took place on August 30, 2000. Ongoing meetings and guidance from the Humboldt Area Foundation resulted in the Willow Creek Youth Partnership DBA Dream Quest in mid 2001.
When Dream Quest first started we were open 12 hours a week. Now we are open six days a week with days ranging from four to eleven hours long.
When Dream Quest first started we were open 12 hours a week. Now we are open six days a week with days ranging from four to eleven hours long.
Gary Barker's Annual Golf Tournament was the driving financial source from 2000-2012. In 2003 we started a small thrift store as an after school project. It grew and grew. Today it is an important part of our sustainability, a service to the community and an excellent employment training site. Throughout it's lifetime Dream Quest has been honored by the support of foundations, organizations, businesses and individuals who care about our youth and future of our community.
Gary Barker's Annual Golf Tournament was the driving financial source from 2000-2012. In 2003 we started a small thrift store as an after school project. It grew and grew. Today it is an important part of our sustainability, a service to the community and an excellent employment training site. Throughout it's lifetime Dream Quest has been honored by the support of foundations, organizations, businesses and individuals who care about our youth and future of our community.
Dream Quest's first programs included the after school program, self defense and music lessons. Projects and activities have expanded consistently through the years. Throughout the years Dream Quest has provided a stable welcoming environment for youth and community.
Dream Quest's first programs included the after school program, self defense and music lessons. Projects and activities have expanded consistently through the years. Throughout the years Dream Quest has provided a stable welcoming environment for youth and community.